Emergency Response Team
• To respond promptly for any internal emergencies via Bravo group # 3 communication SMC Safety Committee and EHS Office initiated to have an in-house multidisciplinary responds team as part of SMC Emergency and Disaster Preparedness plan.
• Bravo group # 3 communication has been made available to communicate with the team through the emergency hot line numbers (2090/1234/1529).
•The mission of the ERT is to provide information to the Incident Commander (CEO) on the direction on how the emergency impacts the hospital and the likelihood that the emergency will escalate.
•The ERT coordinates essential services necessary to address the situation, and provides emergency information.
Primary Responsibilities
• Determine the scope and impact of the incident
• Make appropriate emergency notifications
• Prioritize emergency actions
• Deploy resources and equipment
• Communicate information and instructions
• Monitors and re-evaluate emergency situation
• Coordinate with External Agencies in coordination with Incident Command Leader
View the Flow Chart of Emergency Communication TeamView the Emergency Response Team Activation and Deployment PlanView Emergency Response Team TrainingMembers
The current members of the team are: